360° panorama of the Zevenster, the Tervuren Path Junction
360° panorama of the Tervuren Path Junction
Kikkersweg Blekerijdreef Fazantendreef Lattepoortdreef Ackermansdreef Van Caudenbergdreef Duisburgsedreef Olmendreef Watermolendreef Wilde Zwijnenweg Zaveldreef Badweg Baddreef Kikkersweg (repeat)

This is a composite 360° photo of an amazing junction of 12 or 13 paths, called the "Zevenster" in Dutch, in the forested section of Tervuren Park, to the east of Brussels. The panorama is composed of 9 separate photos.

The paths named 'dreef' (drive) may be used by pedestrians, cyclists or horse-riders; those named 'weg' (way) are footpaths (or in the case of Kikkersweg, a route for foot and horse traffic). Badweg is unnamed on the ground and on most maps (but the name is given on a map shown at the gate opposite the tram terminus, near the museum). Most of the paths lead more or less towards one of the horseshoe of surrounding lakes - except, somewhat ironically, Watermolendreef (Watermill drive).

† The exact number depends on whether or not you include Ackermansdreef, which is visible, but starts a little distance away from the main junction clearing, forking off Van Caudenbergdreef.

Copyright © 2004-2009 David R Edgar

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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